Sunday, January 30, 2005

If you can't stand the heat...

So Bill O'Reilly doesn't like the CBC. Big whoop there. I know some wingnuts hang on to his every word but is his ego so freakin bloated that he really thinks Canadians give a flying fig what he thinks? He reminds me of the schoolyard bully who has just been kicked in the butt running around screaming for a teacher to wipe his runny nose. Except he's allegedly supposed to be an adult. Coulda fooled me. The man has the ethics and class of a gnat.

If you can't stand the heat Bill I suggest you get outta the kitchen.

I applaud the Fifth Estate for their coverage of the media crisis, and yes it is a crisis in the US. The fact that Conservative talk shows and pundits literally flood the american airwaves with little to no opposing voices to be heard is dangerous. Balance in the media is non existant. Conservative pundits far out number liberals on the major cable network news channels. In fact on Bush's Coronation/Inauguration day conservatives outnumbered liberals 25-4 on the Fox network, 7-1 on CNN and 9-5 on MSNBC via

The right has a monopoly on the airwaves yet it is constantly trying to make the public think there is a liberal bias in the media. Sadly their strategy finds a foothold in people too busy in their own lives to do the hard research that needs to be done to ferret out the truth. I always thought it was the media's job to report the truth but those days are long gone.

I fear for the future. I have never been as pessimistic about what is to come as I am now. Every day I see stories on the internet ... true factual terrifying stories that foretell of terrible terrible things to come, terrible terrible things that have passed and then I see stories like THIS and I know that if a democrat had been responsible Joe Scarbourough, Bill O'Reilly and all the other wingnuts would be screaming about the outrage of it all for weeks until every major news outlet was talking about it. Why won't we ever hear about this on networks cable? Just askin.

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