Monday, February 07, 2005


Having had such great success in their attempts to entrench bigotry in their own country now the right wingers are now trying to screw up our more tolerant society with their own brand of hate. It appears they are sending large sums of cash north of the border in a blatant attempt to influence Canadian policy regarding same sex marriage.

SSM is already a part of our societal fabric and the sky hasn't fallen yet. These wingers will stop at NOTHING to spread their diseased ideas where they are not welcome.

As for whoever is accepting this money, have you no shame? Exactly how much are you willing to sell your soul for? If you accept this money you are bought and paid for and don't think for one minute that these buggers won't lay claim to you some time later down the road.

Same-sex debate gets U.S. infusion
OTTAWA - Powerful U.S. religious groups are sending money and support to allies in Canada to fight same-sex marriage.

Patrick Korten, vice-president of communications for the Knights of Columbus head office in New Haven, Conn., said no limit has been set on the help his organization is prepared to offer.

"Whatever it takes," he said. "The family is too important."

Can someone please explain to me once and for all exactly how families are in jeopardy? I know they keep saying it over and over and the more mindless among us repeat it ad nauseum but I have yet to hear ANYONE actually articulate in any meaningful way HOW families are threatened by SSM. All the arguments I've heard so far are based on faulty religious dogma, bigotry, or misinformation.

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