Thursday, February 03, 2005

Critical Thought

Make no mistake about it we are at war. It is not a war fought with guns. It is a war for the very heart and soul of your intellectual freedom.

Let’s get this straight right from the start. Religious fundamentalists are not your average Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or whatever. They are a radical perversion of the religion they profess to follow. I have no beef with regular people of faith. I am not a radical atheist or fundamental atheist if you will, wanting to tear down anyone’s faith and replace it with my own personal secular belief.

I am an atheist who basically wants to be left alone. I don’t want to be preached to. I don’t want to involuntarily be forced to participate in someone else’ religious ceremonies as if I shared their belief and I don’t want to be centered out by my lack of involvement in said ceremonies unless I have put myself in a such a position voluntarily such as attending a church wedding for instance.

So, for the purposes of this blog keep something in mind. When I rail against religion it is not against moderate mainstream religions, it is against the radical religious agenda. The religious right. The groups that would force everyone to conform to a very narrow path, a path that is not tolerant, does not respect the individual and would rob you of all the freedoms you cherish under the guise of morality.

All too often the religious fundamentalists rely on fear mongering to try and appeal to people’s inner fear in order to get them to conform to an idea or principle. They are organized and well funded. Most people are too busy living their lives to notice the stealthy relentless campaign by these fundamentalists to pay them much attention. But slowly they invade our very thought contaminating otherwise intelligent thoughtful people with their messages of hate and intolerance until it is ingrained in the majority of people without them even noticing.

Such is the case against gay marriage among other things. The fundamentalist have convinced a majority of people that this in someway jeopardizes traditional marriage. How? They say it will lead to challenges for polygamy. Why?

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