Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Gannon/Guckert My 2 Cents

This story is not going to go away. It is my opinion that we have only scratched the surface so far. Scott McClellen obviously knows MUCH more than he is admitting. The butt covering I am witnessing speaks VOLUMES to me.

I am a mom and as such I have a built in lie detector. I might miss a few but once I hone in I am seldom wrong, and I am telling you EVERYONE in power is lying about this story.

The main stream media is complicit in this as well. They are willingly allowing themselves to be used in the cover up. That is downright frightening.

The thinly veiled attacks by the MSM on the blogging world is proof that the media is beginning to feel threatened by the power of the little guy to show them up for the shills that they have sadly become.

The fact is, this story was identified by bloggers and researched by bloggers and pushed by bloggers despite the fact that the MSM was ignoring it. Now that it has broken thru the MSM barrier they are trying to smear the very force that uncovered it.

This story is HUGE. It will become larger before it is done and it is to the credit of the people who will no longer allow the main stream media to cover for a corrupt government.

The right will scream and yell that the evil bloggers are being unfair to Guckert by attacking his personal life ... you know the life he PLASTERED all over the web... "WITH PICTURES" These are the same guys who claim to have all those virtuous family values and stuff while us damn liberals are so corrupt and evil.

Keep in mind here that the White House ... and that means the President ... let into the press room a guy who had MULTIPLE web sites online for the purpose of PROSTITUING himself. A guy who represented a FAKE news site that was created specifically to spread GOP propaganda merely DAYS before this fraud got a white house pass. Those things are NOT easy to get. A guy who had access to secret documents about an undercover CIA operative who was subsequently outed. "an act of TREASON according to Bush Sr"

This guy was within FEET of the president of the USA and actually was called on in a VERY RARE presidential press conference ahead of LEGITIMATE (albeit, shill) reporters.

No folks, this story is NOT going away. Nor is it unimportant as the right will try and convince you.

Where is the outrage.

I mean these are the same guys who went apeshit on Clinton when he lied about a stupid affair.


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