Friday, February 25, 2005

Ok so it's no then ...

So, Paul Martin says no to BMD in Canada. He has appeased the masses. Too bad it's just lip service. I find that I agree with McKenna on this one. It really is an issue of semantics and I am afraid this public negaive show is just for mass consumption the backroom deals were done months ago.

Paul Celluci puts on a show of confusion as to why Canada would surrender her sovereignity. Bullcrap. First of all we didn't and he makes it clear we didn't when he asserts well we are going to shoot down any missles anyway even if you DON'T sign on. Seems to me then like they don't honour our sovereignity either way .... the bastards. He also tries to scare us (standard US tactic) by saying but what are you going to do if there are missles targeting Canada? Missiles targetting Canada .... ?

ROFLMAO ..... yeah right ..... LOLOLOL

The Americans are going to do whatever the Americans want to do without regard to what Canada wants. They just wanted to be able to point at us and say see our closest ally agrees with us. Pffft .... well we don't.

Now I hear rumours of retaliation ala freedom fries. With friends like this .... who needs enemies.


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