Friday, February 04, 2005

To be "moral" or not to be ...

I am tired of the religious right telling me I am immoral. They don't know me. They have never walked in my shoes. Yet they feel they have a right to call me immoral because I am an unbeliever. What they mean of course is that I am evil a devil worshipper if you will. I eat babies and steal from old ladies. Well I have news for them. They're right. About the morality thing anyways. I’ll get back to you about the other stuff.

I am immoral. I have no morals. I do not believe in morals. Morals are for believers. What I am is ETHICAL.

I'm not saying that morality is bad. What I'm trying to get at here in my usual haphazard writing style is that ethics and morals are the same thing except one is rooted in belief of god and one isn't.

Some religious fundamentalists simply cannot fathom that someone who professes no belief in a deity could behave ethically without the threat of eternal damnation to keep them in line. I say that it's a sorry world where people, real people, think that you need a god to behave yourself and that without one you are incapable of it.

Well I am here to state that I DO behave ethically. I basically have all the same feelings about social injustice that a MORAL person has. I have nothing to say to those people who claim to be moral while behaving immorally.

Stone me as a heretic if you must but DON’T say I am immoral just because I am an atheist.

PS: I am NOT a communist either
PSS: I have never raped an altar boy
PSSS: I don’t eat babies
PSSSS: The only old lady I ever stole from was my mother and she spanked my butt so hard I didn’t ever do it again. That was 40 years ago.

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