I read an article the other day. Mr Impenitent pointed me toward it. As I read in shock and horror my anger grew.
It was an article about pain and loss. It was an article about teaching a child about right and wrong. It was an article about torture.
The pain and loss describe was the pain and loss of losing a parent except not really.
The guidance was not what you would expect. The guidance came in the form of emotional blackmail. Threats of abandonment to achieve the desired goal. Total domination.
The torture was inflicted upon small children. The weakest and most dependant pure souls.
It was an article about Fundamentalist Christians ... the Religious Right.
Theses beasts, I will not call them people, because they have no humanity, torture their own children with horrible images, threaten them with abandonement when they are most vulnerable and eventually change those sweet innocent children into carbon copies of themselves, with all the paranoia and cruel disregard for their fellow man as a true fundamentalist. There is no love, compassion or tolerance inside them. It has been ruthlessly been driven out, methodically, clinically ... heartlessly. These are the kind of people who would condone torture of prisoners. These are the people who would not flinch to hasten a global war. They would torutre their own children. What hope then would a stranger have, faced with such blind passion.
This warped sense of righteousness does not take into account humanity. They care nothing for mankind. They care nothing for our world. They care nothing for freedom or peace. They speak words that have no meaning to them. Their words are not for their ears, they are for ours. They know how to lie. They know how to cheat and they know how to steal. They know they can do and say whatever they want because THEY have all the answers. THEY are god's children. They are going to heaven.
They are in charge of American foreign policy. Our future is in their hands.
Feel safe yet?
Want to read the article that has me fairly pissed off right now? Go here
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