Tuesday, March 01, 2005


When the religious right points to their godliness and claim ownership of all things good and moral and then point at me and claim I am evil incarnate because of my unbelief, is it any wonder then, that I would find the story of the BTK killer rather interesting?

Married father of 2, scoutmaster, President of the Christ Lutheran Church council, Dogatcher ... SERIAL MURDERER. That's some resume.

Church members shocked by friends arrest

WICHITA, Kan. -- For those gathered inside Christ Lutheran Church on Sunday morning, the lasting images of Dennis L. Rader were simple, sweet moments. Just last Wednesday evening, for instance, he had stopped by the church to drop off spaghetti sauce and salad for a potluck dinner before he went to visit his mother at the hospital.

Hardly the image you would have of a serial killer huh? These people didn't even recognize evil in their midst and yet look upon me as someone of an immoral character. The hypocrisy astounds.

Further proof that being a regular church goer is no measure of a man's character is John Wayne Gacy.

Serial Killer Profiles Often Inaccurate

John Wayne Gacy was convicted of killing 33 young men and boys in the Midwest in 1980. Gacy, however, was chaplain of a local junior chamber of commerce chapter and liked to pose as a clown for sick children in hospitals.

So before any of you regular church goers look down your noses at the unbeliever consider this ... there are more religious inmates in prison than there are atheists. I am not trying to suggest that being atheist makes you more moral than the theist however. I am saying that looking at a person's faith is NOT a good way to judge character.


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