Atheism: No place for integrity...
Dear Editor: Atheists are still crawling out from under their rotten logs. The Bible calls them "willingly ignorant" - meaning "dumb on purpose."
This condition causes them to hear the exact opposite of what is being said. The latest, "charming, woefully uninformed" lady atheist is full of venom. Christ said if they hated Him, they would hate His followers. She accuses Christian culture of a long history of violence. Let's see what atheism has wrought: Atheism, Nazism, Socialism, Communism are basically the same. They all lack intellectual and moral integrity.
Charles Darwin lost his faith in God when he read atheist Charles Lyle's "Principles of Geology." Darwinism (Evolution) has had a devastating impact. It's an anti-Christian system of beliefs and practices, completely antagonistic to God. It's responsible for every "ism" to come down the pike in the last century. Hitler (Nazism) was turned aside by the platitudes of the atheist, Frederick Nietzsche (the idea of a master race). Christ never did what Hitler did. Hitler and his regime, were followers of atheists, not Christ (Christian).
Carl Marx had Darwin write an introduction to "Das Capitol" because felt he had provided a scientific foundation for Communism. Anyone who pushes the Communist conspiracy also pushes an evolutionary, imperialistic, naturalistic view of life, endeavoring to crowd the Creator out of the Cosmos.
Stalin, murdered more people than Hitler. When asked what should be done with the 15,000 or so, Polish officers that had been captured, answered, "They are just Poles. They haven't 'evolved' as far as we have. Shoot them." So they did.
Mussolini, who frequently quoted Darwin, said war was necessary for the survival of the fittest. The subtitle of Darwin's book is "Preservation of favored races in the struggle of life." Who gets to decide the "favored races"? Christ particularly hated baby murderers.
Non-believers are responsible for the American Holocaust of abortion. Over 40 million babies have been murdered in the last 32 years. By atheists. Pol Pot, Osama bin Lauden, Saddam, (not Christians) killed millions. Christians are being systematically murdered in Sudan now by atheists.
(346 words) Julia Slocum, Edgemont
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