Friday, March 18, 2005

It's not as if anything IMPORTANT was happening

Yesterday highlighted a new low for main stream media broadcasting. If you didn't know any better you would probably think that steroid use in baseball was the most important story of the day. I mean these things aren't worth ANY coverage anyway, right?

  • Possible collapse of the US dollar

  • Incompetent presidental appointments

  • Darfur

  • 2 wars

  • Global Warming

  • ANWR

Of course there are many many more issues not being covered out there and it boggles the mind that of all things that stations like CNN and MSNBC thought was important, steroids would top the list. Un .... Fucking .... believable.

They would rather focus on shallow or sure ratings grabbing stories like Martha Stewart, Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, Steroids in baseball and pope window sightings than cover REAL news which we all know is not terribly important after all.

[sarcasm off]


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