Friday, March 18, 2005

Practice what you Preach

The Catholic church has become a behemoth of bureaucratic red tape, hypocrisy and intolerance.

Whatever happened to love, compassion and inclusion?

As an atheist I do not believe the Jesus was the son of god. In fact I am not even sure I believe he was an actual person instead on a construct of many people but for arguments sake let's suppose he was. His legacy changed the world. His words inspire. There is no doubt that if he lived he was a great man and if he didn't the idea of a man such as he was also great.

He spoke words of wisdom that anyone could admire, theist and atheist alike.

It is what people have done to his memory and teaching that disgusts me. So much evil has been done using his words as justification. Not the least of which are the travesties of the Catholic Church.

IMO the Catholic church is a perversion of the words of Christ. More so than any other organized religion that comes to my mind. Not everything they have done is evil mind you, they have done some good over the years. They had to have SOMETHING to inspire their sheep after all. But far worse is the damage they have done to the words of that great rabbi Jesus.

Jesus spoke of forgiveness and said that those without sin should cast the first stone. He said he came to die for our sins. That those who believe in him would go to heaven. Now I don't happen to believe that but most Christians do. Ok so let me get this straight he apparently believed that we are ALL sinners and that ALL sins would be forgiven if you believed in him.

So why is it that the Catholic church would deny a catholic burial for a fellow Catholic, who by all accounts was a saint of a man and a devout believer. Why can they not find it in their hearts to forgive his sins as they see it, as Jesus would have done. Where is their compassion and who are they to judge this man's worth in their god's eyes. Why do they turn their backs on him? Why would they do this? Because he was a homosexual.

Bishop won't allow funeral for club owner

Jesus made a practice of forgiving people. One only has to look as far as Mary Magdalene to see this. Does the church discriminate against prostitutes as well as homosexuals and if not ... why not? Is the sin of prostitution somehow less than the sin of homosexuality? Did he not also show compassion to the adulteress going against the prevailing custom of the day that she be murdered by stoning?

I think if Jesus were alive today the Catholic church would likely condemn him. For he certainly would not follow their doctrine to judge, condemn, deny or shun those who circumstance happened to go against the prevailing customs of the majority. I am certain that Jesus would have embraced this man, forgiven him his sins and welcomed him to heaven. The Catholic church today is no longer the church of Jesus. Indeed it bears more of a resemblance to those who condemned Jesus to the Cross.

These people are hypocrites. They are very sincere in their beliefs that's for certain, it's just that what they believe in no longer bears any resemblance to the idea that Jesus supposedly taught. It's high time they realized that.


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