It always seemed a bit odd to me the way it was shown that Saddam was captured.
Hiding in a rat hole was out of sync with the way Saddam carried himself. His defiance was almost legendary even if lunatic. The swagger and disdain he was so well known for did not mesh with this new image I saw on the TV at the time of this capture of a passive timid Saddam cowering in a hole in the ground. The press went wild of course and the administration gloated and mocked their new found prisoner. Victory was almost complete and people were now free to forget about Osama Bin Forgotten now that SADDAM had been captured. After his capture Saddam regained his defiant stance as much as was possible anyway given limited exposure. I am refering to his demeanor in court to face the charges against him.
Well now it appears that it MIGHT have all been a lie. Which begs the question ... if true, why did they bother? Why did Bush have this lie fabricated. How did it serve them? The administration most certainly knew, supposing this story is true, that the televised capture was a work of fiction. Why does this administration keep lying to the american public? Why do they engage in propaganda? Why do they pay reporters to report favourably on controversial government policies? Why do they ignore treasonous acts such as the outing of a covert CIA operative? Why does this administration continue to use character assasination as a method to discredit Opposing voices. Why is dissent now considered to be anti-american when in years past it was pretyy much considered a duty?
And most importantly WHY does the american public keep believing them?
Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction
[UPDATE] ... I am reminded also of some other overspun and fabricated propaganda promoted by the white house. Anyone remember WMD, Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman, or the toppling of Saddam's statue in Bagdad. All exqamples of either staged or inflated stories at the expense of truth. When an administration is guilty of so many untruths is it any wonder that some of us distrust EVERYTHING they say.
I used to tell by kids with respect to lying ... that trust once broken is very hard to earn back.
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