Monday, June 06, 2005


Ontario Liberal MP to sit as Independent

All I can say is that I hope the voters in London realize that a vote for Pat O'Brien in the next election is a vote for prejudice and bigotry. I suspect they will. London is a University/College town and young people by and large realize that homosexuality is NOT a threat either to them or to society.

That this guy is willing to sacrifice his party on the altar of his prejudice and bigotry is a sad testament to his lack of loyalty, integrity and honour. Yeah he's entitled to his opinion but Paul Martin is allowing a FREE vote on this. He could have voted his opinion WITHOUT leaving the party. I suspect his leaving has much much more to do with his desire to PREVENT a vote on this.

Crap like this realy really makes me sad. I was hoping we could FINALLY agree that gays are people too, and as such deserve all the same rights and protections that all we heterosexual people get. Geez what's so wrong with that anyway ... I mean REALLY .... what's so wong with that!

In all the passion surrounding this issue no one ... and I mean NO ONE, has EVER been able to explain to me why SSM is a bad thing. Not ONE person. Not ONE arguement that makes ANY sense at all. The ONLY arguments I ever see are based on a religious view and while I am sure these views are deeply held PERSONAL beliefs they are NOT a valid justification to endorse prejudice.

That's my opinion. I encourage you to try and change my mind but unless you have something more substantial than religious bigotry you're wasting your time.


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