Friday, June 03, 2005

Separation of church and state is dead ....

America is no longer a democracy.

It is a theocracy. All those naysayers who say that will never happen are either delusional or lying cause it's pretty much a done deal.

Earlier this week I was horrified to read about patriot pastors but it doesn't end there. Today I see a remarkably similar story coming out of, where else? Texas
Getting evangelical churches to campaign on your behalf is about as immoral as you can get not to mention illegal. That hasn't stopped these Repugs before and I doubt it will now.

MY big question is ....

Are the American SHEEPLE going to let them get away with this. Do you REALLY think these fanatics have your best interests at heart or their own. Do you actually think YOUR brand of faith is safe?

All you people who think it's ok to support this type of blending of church and state, also probably think there is nothing wrong with the discrimination against the gays or the godless. There is no hope for you. Your bigotry is too ingrained. Your fear to strong. But there will come a day that you will regret your stance. I'm as sure of that as I am that the sun will come up tomorrow.

But for all you people who realize that this is a bad idea. A bad idea not just for your country but a bad idea for your faith. You people need to start speaking up instead of allowing the fanatics to go unchallenged. This is wrong. This goes against EVERYTHING the US was founded on.

Cant you SEE that? Aren't you going to STOP IT? Don't you CARE about your country?


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