Tuesday, June 14, 2005

What was the Tipping Point

Lately all over the blogospere I keep seeing references to the holocaust to describe current events and it got me wondering.

Before the holocaust really got started there was a period when all the signs were negative and things were starting to look rather grim. What tipped off the Jews that managed to escape, that it was indeed the time to get out and in fact the time to get out was NOW.

Some did get out. Some managed to escape the horror that was to come. Some ... the lucky ones, knew that the time to go was NOW and they acted on it. Some of these "lucky" ones fled to the West and they stayed "lucky" ... others went East ....

How do you know "when" the time to flee has come and just as important how to you know "where" to flee. How did these Jews feel and how did they know. The obvious answer is they DIDN'T know. They were guessing ... hedging their bets ... survival instincts perhaps.

That said, I asked myself, who are the "Jews" of today's society. First I would have to say gays. Second I would say are the non-theists. They are the new target groups for the neocons. They are the groups that the radicals would like to see go away. They are the one facing imminent threat. They are the ones outside of "accepted" American society. They are easy to marginalize, easy to dismiss, easy to disagree with ... easy to discriminate against. Easy that is, if you are part of the population living in apathy and easily led. Easy if you have the ability to "hate" people who think differently than you do, who ARE different from you. Sadly, I think that represents a large chunk of today's society. People who care to much about what other people do with their lives and people who just don't care period.

How does it start, this thing called fascism .. does it start with a bang or a whimper. History, if we choose to examine it, clearly shows that it starts with a whimper.

So considering the looming theocratic fascist state rising in America, how do you know when it is the right time to leave. I think if you are asking that question, the time has already come. There are already groups out there, out there RIGHT NOW, who think gays should be eliminated and I don't mean converted. These guys think being gay is suitable cause for a DEATH penalty for gawds sake. How long will it be before they start coming after non-theists? Jew's weren't the only inhabitants of the death camps you know. If the time isn't now, when exactly is it?

The ones who waited too long during the Nazi years or were unfortunate enough not to have the means to leave in time, paid the ultimate price ... many of them refused to see the signs before it was too late. How many said to themselves things would get better soon ... that everything would turn out ok in the end. Well it did ... but unfortunately it did so long after they were dead.

I can't believe these kinds of thought are in my head but I have to say to my American friends, have you thought about it? Do you feel threatened by the very community in which you live? Is it time to leave? Are you leaving? Are you even thnking about it? Is there time to retreat from the abyss? I dunno and I wonder ... is THIS what it felt like BEFORE the holocaust? Is this the beginning of history repeating itself? I didn't think it could happen so soon ... so soon after we as a world declared, we'd never forget.

We did ... not all of us of course but enough did that now, it might be time to start paying the price.


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