Will I get what I want this year?
It's actually a silly word for a very serious event. Lots of people out there think it's inappropriate. Maybe it is but that hardly matters to me. To me it represents the hope that America MIGHT regain it's collective sanity post 9/11.
I would hazard a guess that I already have gotten a small gift from recent events. Delay has been indicted, Frist is being investigated. The media is talking again and oh what a sound that is to my ears. Critical thought being expressed. Questions being asked, and miracle of miracle, idiotic statements and blatant lies being challenged by the talking heads. AMAZING! Course it's tepid at best but at least they are doing it ... well SOME of them are doing it. The tone has changed at any rate. I have heard in the voices of the commenters bemusement and incredulity when reporting the wingnut spin on recent events. The obvious lies and contorted positions the wingnut pundits have to assume to try and make this look not exactly good but not quite so bad is FINALLY being ridiculed for the nonesense it usually is and SOME people are listening if the polls are to be believed.
Will I get what I want this year?
I have no idea .... but I have a sneaky suspicion that I will get at least some of what I want. I doubt I will get everything tho .. I suspect Rita Cosby will get to keep her show for a while yet, there are always more missing pretty white girl stories to cover .... and Bill O'Reilly's head isn't likey to explode from the sheer pressure of his idiocy, but they say you can't get everything you want so I guess I'll have to deal.
As for Fitzmas .... let the indictments and the great American awakening from their collective political stupor begin ... please oh pretty please ....
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