Lesbian couple wins $2,000 settlement
To make a long story short ... 2 women book a hall for a wedding and pay a deposit to hold it .... sometime later the owners of the hall realize the women are gonna marry each other ... the owners then cancel the booking ... women then go to court and win a settlement of $1000 each for their hardship and suffering.
Ok so these women won their case and the offending party has to pay them $2000. They may be happy but this isn't a win.
The organization that rents out this hall for weddings is a christian one. Now while I support them in their fight to maintain that christian organization that are opposed to gay marriages NOT be forced to perform one against their beliefs I draw the line somewhat after that point when they start taking money from the public to rent a facility for a celebration and are then allowed to discriminate about renting the facility because of that same prejudice.
Take for instance a jewish couple renting a hall for THEIR wedding ... would these same christians refuse to rent the hall to THEM. What if the couple were black. What if they were atheist?
Nope, once these people start taking people's money to rent a facility to host an event to which they are not expected to attend, their right to be prejudiced should cease. If you rent a hall to one group of people to hold a marriage celebration then you shouldn't be allowed to discriminate against another group. Celebrating a wedding is not the same thing as performing a wedding. A reception is not a religious ceremony and should not be treated as such.
No one is forcing these people to compromise their beliefs. If they can't rent fairly to all then they should not be allowed to rent to anyone.
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