Monday, September 21, 2009

What is Mikey up to now?

I am still and will always be a liberal (small l) but I used to be a Liberal as well (big L as in the Liberal Party)... Not anymore... Not while Mikey is in charge anyway. Oh and BTW don't get your hopes up Stephen, I like YOU even less.

And now this ... "Ignatieff rejects Cauchon's bid to re-enter politics"

Exactly WHAT is he trying to do now? I think it's great he wants to open up opportunities for more women in the party but I AM a woman and I'd rather have the most COMPETENT people elected. We are not commodities to be GRANTED a place at the table ... we shouldn't be excluded but to leapfrog over otherwise qualified people? If I were a woman in those ridings I'd want to win on my own merit and I have nothing but disdain for anyone who would take advantage of that for power's sake alone.

Asking MP's to step aside so they can granny in a female candidate is just INSULTING! Which goes to show how much Mikey boy understands his female constituency.

Oh I am sure he will find takers for his positions .. he might even convince some male MP's to step aside so a *woman* (for want of a better word) can take his place. But there is going to be a cost to his arrogant folly and you can take THAT to the bank. It's a sad sorry state of affairs and it grieves me to see what the Liberal Party has come to.


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