Saturday, January 22, 2005

Impenitent Atheist

Hi, This is my blog. I am still figuring out this whole blogging thing. I don't expect to get a lot of traffic which is probably good cause I don't really know what I'm doing yet. If you do happen to stumble on my humble abode cut me a little slack and keeps your comments at least slightly civil. I am an atheist and unrepentant by it so don't bother trying to convert me using honey or vinegar I am immune to both. I guess it probably goes without saying but I am a liberal in both mind and thought. In fact I'd go so far as to say I am a far left liberal, and rather proud of it. No, liberal is NOT a dirty word in my book.


aardvark al said...

I don't think I've ever met an atheist, or at least anyone who admitted to it. Most people don't like to rock the boat. Since you've opened up the subject, I'd like to hear why you've come to that conclusion. I've bookmarked the site and will come back.

ps: I think I'm objective on the subject. I don't have an axe to grind.

IA said...
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IA said...

Ok lets see. My guess is you have met many atheists but as you say perhaps none that have owned up to it. The path to atheism is usually a difficult one. It takes time to let go of the social indoctrination that many people have been subjected to over the years. My own path was fairly simple.

I was a believer for much of my youth simply because everyone around me believed. It was comforting as a child to think of a benevolent god and guardian angels watching over me as I slept ... yada yada. Later I evolved to a more agnostic way of looking at things because theism really didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I guess that was when I started to look at things critically as I outgrew my need for someone to take care of me and began to take care of myself. The hardest thing to let go of was what I like to call the "what if" scenario. You know, the what if it's true line of reasoning which is all the rage among so many that now try to draw the unbeliever back into the fold as it were. Except the more I thought about it and the more I read about it, the more I realized that I could no longer fool myself into believing any of it.

I would have to say that becoming an atheist was very much an evolution. I had to let go of the unreasonable fear of punishment that had been drummed into me by society, by the church and even from my peers. Once I let go of the fear of being wrong there was no turning back. To me people who cling to their religion do so for possibly 2 reasons. One is fear ... fear of being wrong, fear of being persecuted, fear of death. The other is more selfish ... the desire to be rewarded in the hereafter. For me neither is relevant. Rational thought ... true rational thought leaves no room for fantasy as fact.

For me science, small s is the only truth. Only thru experimentation and careful examination can the truth of our nature be revealed.