Skimming the headings today I ran across a nasty story outlining the supposed
"Dem week from Hell" A piece of crap if I ever read one. (You can read it if you want but it's total garbage and not worth the hit you'll give it.)
The week in question is actually the week where the democratic party started to stand up for what it believed, instead of cowering in the corner. It was a week that finally started to give me hope after my post election depression. That's why the wingnuts are scared of course. That's why they are trying to label a couageous AMAZING week a failure instead of the victory it was.
This article, as bad as it was, as full of lies and distortions as it was, actually made me smile. I expect crap like that from the wingnuts. What made me so happy was the fact that this article demonstrates that they are scared. Terrified actually that finally the Democrats have found their courage. Finally we have begun to stand for what we believe is just. The more they scream the more I know we are doing the right thing.
Anyway after reading distortion and lie after another and I could take no more so I went to check out what crappy rag this was and amazingly I found a GREAT article about "The Daily Kos" One of my most favourite sites.
So if you want to see why I have that link on my sidebar to the most popular liberal democratic webblogs out there follow the link below and find out.
Taking Kos Seriously
Kos is like a beacon of light in the dark. He speaks truth to power and his site and the diaries included on the site are a powerful rallying point for those who walk on the left side of life.
In short, thanks Kos it was wonderful to find a place on the web where people felt the same way I do. Keep on speaking truth to power and we'll keep making yours the number one blog on the web.
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