Sunday, February 06, 2005

Bill O' Crybaby

Bill O'Crybaby

Seems like ol billy boy is still whining about us mean Canadians.

What Bill fails to realize is that Canadians don't care. Canadians are not a superpower and I for one am glad we aren't. I'm pretty sure Bill could never understand that. In general we take great pride in being different from Americans. The popularity of Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans is testimony to that. Our general world view is very different from the current administration in the US and a vast majority of Canadian are proud of the stance our goverment took regarding the Iraqi invasion and occupation.

I don't get the Fox channel yet on my cable and for that I am grateful. My opinion, from the little I have seen, is that it is laughable. The lies are obvious, the bias complete and the tone is petty and bigotted. Most Canadians I know would find little to engage them either emotionally or intellectually. Further, it would take only one or 2 disparaging commentaries about Canada to turn off the Canadian viewership. We are kinda touchy about insults thrown our way by our southern neighbour. A fact Bill should take heed of if he wants any success in Canada. We take pride in our differences and are no less nationalistic than most Americans we just don't brag about it as much.

So Bill cry all you want. It's music to my ears.

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