Sunday, February 06, 2005

Paul Celucci wants Canada to be tool of the US

Paul Celucci seems to want to make Canada a tool of the US government. Send good ol nice easy to get along with Canadians into areas where the US is unwelcome.


He seems to think that we exist to mop up their messes around the world.

There are many places where Canada can act where we might not be able to act," Cellucci told the American Assembly, a weekend conference on Canada-U.S. relations. "There's a lot of resentment around the world towards the United States.

"Haiti's an example. We've tried there before but maybe Canada could lead an effort to try to help the Haitian people get a government that's as good as (them)."

"The United States is tied up in the Middle East, that might be a project for Canada to take the lead on."

What I found particularly offensive was this regarding the tsunami.

"We're not perfect. We make mistakes. But when the waves hit over in Asia, we were the first ones there. We had the ships and we had the helicopters. We're always the first ones there. So people resent us. That goes with the territory."

Well I suppose he could be forgiven for his opinion that the US leads in everything, if he lived in a BUBBLE, but I googled "tsunami +"first country to respond", and here is a short list of countries who might disagree with his statement. By the way the US didn't even appear as a contender.

  • China - "The Chinese rescuing team sent to Indonesia is the first of the international rescuing teams that arrived in the country"

  • Pakistan - "Pakistan was the first country to respond and dispatched a C-130 aircraft with relief consignment of tents, medical supplies and food items to Sri Lanka within 24 hours after it was struck by tsunami."

  • India - "This is in addition to the immediate relief goods and assistance despatched to date. India was the first country to respond to Sri Lanka's call for help despite suffering huge losses herself," Rao said"

And the winner IS ..... drum roll ... according to US Republican Senator Sam Brownback ...

INDIA "That said, our relationship with India is and will continue to be vital to American interests in the region. Their response to the tsunami disaster illustrates the incredible potential of this country. They were not only the first country to respond to the needs of their own people, but also the first country to send aid to their neighbors. It is incredibly important for the United States to cultivate good ties with India. Their ideological similarity to us and their potential for growth are good underpinnings for substantial interchange in the future."

Ok that settles that. Now that we know he is at best mistaken, at worst a liar/revisionist, exactly why should Canadians list to him again? Which earns him the "Arrogant Bastard of the Day Award"

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