Okaaaay. Back away from the book. Hands up where I can see em.
Seems like the Catholic Church is all a twitter about the "The DaVinci Code" So much so that they are sending out the Big Guns.
Cardinal says 'Da Vinci Code' filled with lies
Umm guys? It's a FICTIONAL book. See our fiction is clearly labeled "fiction" whereas yours ....
Ok not to be snide here but they must really really be hurting to react in this way. I mean pedophile priests hardly got noticed until it started to impact the bottom line.
Now I can sort see what has em all in a flap cause I sorta got sucked into the tin foil hat territory myself when I read the book. So much so in fact, that I actually fact checked a bunch of stuff on the web to see for myself if there was anything to the claims made by the book. Imagine my disappointment when I realized it was just a work of cleverly dressed up fiction. It was STILL a kickass book tho imo. I liked Angels and Demons (the prequel) just as much. You see I read these kinds of books because they inspire my imagination and they are entertaining to boot. I don't look for personal redemption in my reading material but hey, that's just me.
Long and short of this ... Methinks they doth protest too much.
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