Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Passion to Hate

Remember the flap that erupted when Mel's little flick hit the big screen, You know all the fears that it would incite the more, ahem ... "passionate" among us to acts of hate inspired by the antisemitic nature of his pic. Remember how all the dutiful, righteous christians said it was all nonesense. Well .....

It seems like they were right to be afraid.

Study links 'Passion' to attacks
The paper cited a new report by the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith. In its 2004 audit of anti-Semitic attacks in Canada, the organization said media coverage of Gibson's film -- and accusations by some critics of the film that it depicted Jews as Christ killers -- led to a spike in attacks against Jews in Canada.

The report said such attacks are currently running at a record pace.
Nice to see all that christian brotherly love in action.


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