Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Here's a cheerful story

Many Iraqis Losing Hope That Politics Will Yield Real Change

I feel their pain and it makes me very very sad. Sad that they had to pay the price for Bush's arrogant idiocy. After the elections the media crowed and chanted almost in unison about the amazing election as if that one act was the redemption for all the mistakes and humiliating horrors the American invasion has brought to Iraq. They boasted and ridiculed those who dared to challenge the administration. They said things like "what are those naysayers going to say NOW that elections fabulously successful elections (not) have occured and the people of Iraq have spoken, Democracy is spreading, freedom is on the march ... blah blah blah ....

Well it would be nice if it were so .... but it's not. Saying that everything is going swimmingly over there does not make it so. Propaganda is propaganda and it's time the media woke up.


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