Monday, March 07, 2005

Is this the kind of rhetoric we want in Canada?

Monte Solberg, MP

Never mind that Canada/US relations may have reached their lowest point since we burned down the White House. That's not important. The real issue is that Mr Paul Martin Luther King is going to defend the Charter from those barbarians who would strip away the "right" to same sex marriage and return us to those backward times of, say, last Tuesday when only opposite sex couples could marry. Those were the days when knuckle draggers like Paul Mart....oh never mind. That's in the past now.


So Mr. PMLK where is your "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" on sponsorship? Remember it's all in the Charter and if you don't think so, then you can just take your hairy knuckles back to Selma Alabama where you obviously came from.
The author claims it was satire ... see story here

It sounds more like racism to me. Martin Luther King was a hero. Yet this member of PARLIAMENT insinuates he was a MONKEY!!! using terms like knuckle dragger and hairy knuckles are not exactly subtle. He seems to think that by linking Paul Martin to Martin Luther King it is somehow an insult.

The insult here is that this person is sitting in the house of parliament. This kind of hate, insult and innuendo has no place on the front page of the website of ANY member of our government and I don't care WHAT party it is. In this case he is a conservative. To see this in Canada breaks my heart. SHAME ON YOU MONTE SOLBERG.

[end rant] IA

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