Monday, March 07, 2005

People more dependant on Internet for news

Story here

This doesn't actually suprise me at all. I get most of my news from the web as well.

Cable news programs just weren't providing the coverage I expected. Their focus is more on opinion and punditry that on actual news. The fact that the media is controlled by a handfull of right leaning conservative owners who make no apologies for bias in their organizations fuels my disdain for the once respected TV news shows. The risk in this of course is that people are no longer getting ANY real news. We are all just picking and choosing the news that is relevant to us personally. Which while sometimes is a good thing, it can also cause us to to have too narrow a perspective on the world. To be truly informed we need to have reliable UNBIASED news sources which are sadly no longer available to us for the most part.

Ratings are now the driving force behind coverage of the news today and that is a sorry state of affairs indeed.


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