Monday, March 07, 2005

It's official

Bush backs torture.

Bush backs policy on terror suspects

NEW YORK -- The Bush administration is defending its decision to give the CIA extensive authority to send terrorism suspects to foreign countries for interrogation.

The New York Times reported yesterday that President Bush signed a still-classified directive just days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that gave the CIA broad power to operate without case-by-case approval from the White House in the transfer of suspects -- a process known as rendition.


The Bush administration has publicly said the United States did not hand over people to be tortured. ''At every step of the way, President Bush and his administration has made very clear that we abide by the laws of our land and the treaty obligations we have," Bartlett told CNN.
Now I have a problem with that last statement. One has to question what they intended to happen then, when they handed over these people to coubtries well known to use torure as an interrogation technique. They are very carefully parsing their words here when they make statements like that in the last paragraph above. The current law of the US does not ALLOW for torture. That's WHY they OUTSOURCE it to countries who do. Shameful.

It's totally disgusting that the country people used to look to for ethical guidance, has fallen to such depths while at the same time trumpeting their so called moral highground.

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