So why do the Conservatives fear it so much.
So sayeth Bill Moyers, a man I have paid tribute to before on this site. It's interesting how he can give voice so eloquently to something I have been knawing at for so long. You can download a video of Bill Moyers' speach here in zipped format if you like."The more compelling our journalism, the angrier the radical right of the Republican Party gets," he explained. "That's because the one thing they loathe more than liberals is the truth. And the quickest way to be damned by them as liberal is to tell the truth."
Whenever I watch the talking heads discuss this or that on the cable news networks that I increasingly avoid, I am always stunned by the apparent deliberate twisting of facts in a blatant attempt to 'spin' the data on the table to fit a fake view of reality. It always puzzled me why people fall for this twisting of the truth with nary a peep of protest. We have become so dependant upon our spoon fed 'news' that aparently we (I mean most not all) are incapable of thinking for ourselves to filter out the bullshit. Now I know those on the far left also like to spin events to their favour as well, it's political nature after all, but they are not obliged to do so as often, especially right now, as the truth and the the facts all appear to lie in their favour.
When the truth is on your side it simply isn't required to spin. So the question remains, when will the majority of people wake up and start to think critically about what few facts manage to reach them across the SCLM. When will they begin to see the truth, naked from the 'spin'.... will that day EVER come? Is THAT why the right's embrace of religion and the religious is so obvious and prominent right now? Is it the ability of the religious to be led, to believe things without regard to the facts, that drives the Republicans current courtship of them? I mean if they feel these are the people they can most easily delude with their twisted truth then it follows that they would actively use them to try and persuade the rest of the sheep to follow along meekly irregardless of their own religious circumstance.
Dkos has an interesting more politically relevant post up on this issue. The Right's Crusade against the Truth
With people like Markos leading the charge it might be possible to force the media to report the truth instead of the drivel they feed us now. We simply MUST keep the pressure on and hopefully the truth will eventually win out.
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