Thursday, May 26, 2005

What's next?

Yesterday we saw the Amnesty International report citing that Human Rights abuses were on the increase worldwide due in large measure because the once proud US ... the shining light for humans rights .... er well glowing light anyway, was now pretty much abandoning it's role as a world leader in the fight for decency, due for the most part on it's reckless so called "war on terror".

Today I read about 3 cross burnings in Durham NC. In an atmosphere of mistrust and hatred is it any wonder that this symbol of ultimate bigotry and prejudice would rear the unholy spectre of a reinvigoration of the KKK.

The mood of the country is ugly, the respect they had in the world has declined and their once mighty military is overstretched, and mired in what looks to be an unending middle east conflict.
Things are definitely looking grim, but the swaggering knuckle draggers still swagger and the preznit and his gang of nitwits still try and act like they are relevant on a global scale. But they aren't. Not really. They may still be a superpower. They may still have a lifestyle that reflects that power. But it is becoming increasingly clear to me that it is all smoke and mirrors.

The US is in decline and it is a decline that is accelerating FAST. As someone who lives in a country bordering them this is a very frightening prospect indeed and I grieve for the 50% or so of the folks down there who still cling to the ideals that once made America the great country it was.

I wish I had the answer that could make everything go back to how it was just a few short years ago. The insanity that gripped their leaders after 911 was caused in my opinion because the US had elected people who simply lacked the courage to respond to the attack with the strength and resolve displayed so many times in the past. The stature of the US rested on a knife's edge and the weak leadership and ideologues in charge right now are systematically destroying EVERYTHING that made the US what it once was. I have NO idea what their eventual purpose is or even if they HAVE a purpose, all I know is I don't like the way things are going and if the general public doesn't start waking up soon it may be too late to ever go back. It may already be too late.

That said I have to ask myself if the sole remaining superpower is so out of control, what can the world do to help. No one country alone can stand and hold the US to account for it's abuses. We need to stand united in opposition to the wingnuts in control.

I expect my country to stop hanging in the wings and to speak out on the abuses they see instead of acting as enablers to abuse. I want MY leaders to call a spade a spade and stop molly coddling the corrupt administration of George Bush. There is a time to speak truth to power and if the time is not now ... then when exactly is it?

If ever we needed a strong UN, this is the time. I hope John Bolton is NOT confirmed as the US ambassador to the UN but if he is I definitely want to see fireworks and some SPINE shown COLLECTIVELY by the other UN members so that this fascist will NOT have his way with them. He must NOT be allowed to rape the UN and infect the rest of the world with his fear and hatred.

Gawd .... when I think back to when politics wasn't all that important to me, and how I used to rely on the US to do the right thing ... the sane thing ... even when I was impatient with them sometimes for being so darn REASONABLE in the face of great threat .... it makes me want to cry. I want that reasonableness back goddamnit and I want it NOW.


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