Friday, September 11, 2009

Journalists and Responsibility

Civility. It's a simple word. It used to be the norm for civilized people to treat each other with respect EVEN when they disagreed. In politics is was not only expected it was DEMANDED. That was in the good old days however. Now apparently if you disagree with someone it is your duty to make sure they don't get a word in edgewise. You must shout at the top of your lungs if needed to make sure you *win* the argument.

Facts? Not needed. Logic? Does not apply. Truth? not only unnecessary but to be avoided at all costs. Lies? Well stretching the truth never hurt anyone right?

It's a sad state of affairs and it will destroy democracy if continued unchecked. The media MUST start doing it's job and STOP making false equivalents to make it SEEM like they are being impartial. I've got news for you media types out there. You are a MAJOR reason things have deteriorated in today's discussions of important events. If you do not start standing up to the bullies and the liars and start reporting the TRUTH and separating fact from fiction in a way that people can understand then when things devolve eventually into violence and civil unrest, I and many others will put the blame squarely at your feet.

Your weak arguments against the lies and bullshit being thrown around at present is a disgrace. You simply are NOT ... DOING ... ENOUGH to hold people accountable. You need to EDUCATE yourselves BEFORE doing interviews so you KNOW the facts and can call bullshit on the liars. It is NOT your job to give them a platform for unchallenged nonsense, lies or to allow them to voice their particular ideological positions on the issues. It is your job to aggressively challenge them to make sure your viewers learn the TRUTH even if that is not what your guest wants to portray! A few responsible journalists out there already do this but they are few and far between. Most talking heads and believe me they are talking heads NOT journalists, do not or can not decipher between the truth and fiction either because it doesn't suit their own personal agenda or because they are too lazy or stupid to do their jobs. It's disgraceful and it must stop.


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