Monday, September 14, 2009

Republican compassion/insanity regarding Health Care

I've been watching the health care debate south of the border with great interest over the years. One of the things that amuses and disturbs me at the same time, is of course the lies and mistruths I keep hearing the Republicans spread about the Canadian system.

I don't feel like going into them now, but you know what they are. Let's just say that if you hear a Republican refer to the Canadian health care system you can bet money on the fact that whatever they say is going to be a lie. I figure they lie so much about us because they know their audience is dumb as bricks and will believe whatever they are told. The easiest way to get what THEY want then, is to lie, secure in the knowledge that the easily manipulated will fall right into line with all the rabid reflexes of a wild dog ... and they are.

I see the crowd with all their Hitler/Nazi signs and I just shake my head. THESE people are supposed to be christians? THEY care about their fellow man? Yeah right. All they care about is that they HATE whatever a democrats says or does. Doesn't matter what it is, if a democrat does it, it MUST be bad. If a BLACK democrat does it that goes double. If Obama does it the rabid republican goes into hysterics.

Health care is no different. All the Democrats want to do is make sure that every American is covered by medical insurance. The way MOST people want to do that is by offering a PUBLIC option for all those folks out there WHO NEED IT. Sort of like extending medicare to anyone who wants except it must be a self supporting option based on premiums. He has made clear that if you DON'T want to opt in you DON'T have to. You can KEEP your own plan and doctor if you like !!!! Nothing would change except everyone would be covered and you'd no longer risk losing everything you if you get sick. No one could deny you coverage or kick you off the rolls for a pre existing condition. What the hell is wrong with THAT? Oh I know ... the insurance companies would no longer be able to gouge you and keep those pesky poor people alive. We's....profits!

But the Repugs are not having any of it. They KNOW if the president says it he must be lying ... they KNOW this because he is a democrat ... AND he is black ... and he isn't an American ... and he's articulate ... and he likes hamburgers and .. and ...

Facts don't matter, truth doesn't matter, compassion doesn't matter. It all about me me me and I, I, I, and if I have to risk ANYTHING I have, to help those who who have nothing, NO WAY JOSE I am NOT gonna do that!! I'll bring me my GUN to the party, yes I will. I'll call the president Hitler! I'll wave my sign. You CAN'T force ME to be compassionate!!! You can't force ME to do what's right!

It's insane. The people protesting are ignorant hateful selfish individuals who will follow their abusive manipulating leaders unto the depths of hell because they are the masses that are SO easily manipulated into believing their hate is actually love. Their selfishness is actually compassion, and their ignorance is actually truth. In short they are christians. The insane kind. /snark

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