Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Walter Cronkite speaks up for reason

Walter Cronkite Lashes Out at Falwell, Robertson

Kudos to Cronkite a man of principle.

Walter Cronkite long projected the image of the respected, objective newsman who didn't allow his personal views to enter the public square.

No more, says the retired CBS anchorman in a direct mail letter he has sent out across the nation.

The Cronkite letter comes from "The Interfaith Alliance" -- a liberal New York-based coalition of religious groups that oddly includes "agnostics and atheists."
Oddly? Why would it be odd that an INTERFAITH alliance would include atheists and agnostics? I admit I am not a theist but atheism IS a belief system in regards to religion even if arguably it is not actually a religion itself. I think their inclusion of atheist organizations is a testament to their broad base not a detriment to it.

The former "most trusted man in America" says The Interfaith Alliance, however, "offers a mainstream alternative for people of faith and good will to stand in opposition to the extremism of the Religious Right."

In other words, it will remain staunchly intolerant of Americans with traditional religious views.
Former? They say that as if he has somehow fallen out of favour with the American public. What he did was RETIRE. That in no way dimishes his trustworthiness, in fact imo it enhances it, as he is no longer encumbered by corporate ties that may have (but I doubt it) coloured his previous commentaries.

Their last statement, their conclusion is so off base as to be laughable. In other words? Um no ... The Interfaith Alliance is NOT intolerant of Americans with traditional religious views .... YOU ARE ... and only in the wacko world of extremist fundamentalists could your conclusion be taken seriously.

Seems to me they are attempting to project false visions of bigotry onto a fine organization in order to try and hide the fault with themselves. This is a standard neocon trick. If you are weak in something be proactive and accuse the other side of the fault. Doesn't matter if it's true just as long as you can get the public to buy it.

Sorry guys ... it's not working, find another trick, you have worn this one out.


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