Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Power of the Chattering Class

So tonight President Obama is to make his historic speech to Congress. Of course the chattering class has been opining for days on what he needs to say or get accomplished to classify the speech as a success. Apparently that depends on which chattering class is talking at any given moment. They all have one thing in common however.

As far as I can tell each and every one of them set the bar somewhere in the stratosphere ....

Now I know President Obama is an extremely gifted speaker. I know he has a clear vision even tho until now he has been reluctant to state it clearly, emphatically ... forcefully. I don't want to speculate on why this is so. I personally find it very sad but I am sure he thought it was the right thing to do even if I disagree.

I don't know what he is going to say tonight. I know what I WANT him to say but I don't know if he will say it. The same thing goes for everyone who is planning to watch tonight. But I do know this ....

No matter WHAT he says he won't be able to stop the chattering class from opining this or that depending on their own personal thoughts on the matter. I know they will also misinterpret a lot of what he say. I know they will deliberately twist a lot of what he says. Some will love the speech no matter what he says. Some will grudgingly admire his ability to speak. Some will disagree. Some will agree wholeheartedly. Some will agree grudgingly ...

And some will hate it with the passion of a thousand suns no matter what he says. Their opinion will somehow outweigh the opinion of all the thoughtful people in the minds of the chattering class. Not because they are particularly thoughtful or insightful however, but because they are more entertaining. The crazies ... the mentally insane .. the knuckle draggers ... the rabidly religious right for whom rational thought has never reared it's ugly head.

America is doomed. The hope of universal medical care for all Americans is in jeopardy. All because of a small class of hateful lunatics. All because of rigid illogical partisanship. All because of greed and the lack of compassion for their fellow man. The *christians* who are more worried about themselves and their own pocket book rather than the least among us. For all their screaming about the sanctity of life they sure don't care very much about the living. No WONDER they got all upset about nominating a judge to the supreme court who espoused the value of empathy. It's because they DON"T HAVE ANY. Not only that they DESPISE empathy. ALL they know is hate and how to spread it. All they have is fear. But they also have another thing ... they have the MEDIA ... cause the media loves a conflict, even a fake one.

America is doomed ... my sympathies to the majority of you down there who want a rational discussion about health care ... it ain't gonna happen.


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